Legal information |
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Owner: The website is owned by Les Sources Services 15 rue des Sources Manager: Thierry Dumonteil Publishers: This site and the images are made by Thierry Dumonteil and Alain Muret, unless otherwise stated. Responsible for contents: Thierry Dumonteil & Alain Muret Hosting: The website is hosted by PhpNux Ownership of rights: All aspects of website (texts, logos, images, photographs, sounds, software, icons, layout, structure, formatting, database ,...) are protected national law and international intellectual property. As such, their representation, reproduction, nesting, and broadcasts reruns, partial or total are prohibited under the provisions of Article L. 122-4 of the Code of Intellectual Property. Anyone able to justify proceeding without prior authorization of the keeper (s) of such rights outstanding penalties relating to criminal infringement of Articles L. 335-2 et seq of the Code of Intellectual Property. General principles: We believe that your personal data, ie your name, e-mail, and any data provided on our website or generated by browsing the data are confidential in accordance with the law, we store this information in conditions of strict security and limited period of time proportionate to the purposes for which you have communicated. Right of access: All information, including copies of personal data collected or generated before, during or after this treatment may be communicated to persons exercising their right of access. You can exercise your right of access and rectification as provided by law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to "data, files and liberties" by sending a request by mail to: webmaster Collection of personal data: Our server is not designed or configured to collect personal information on visitors to the site outside the following data: Source of connections (ISP, url provenance), IP address, type and version of browser used, operating system. Under no circumstances do we collect the e-mail addresses of visitors without them we do not communicate intentionally. The data collected will be shared with any third parties. Disclaimer: You use the site under your sole responsibility. We can not be held liable for any direct or indirect, including, in particular, material damage, loss of data or programs or financial loss resulting from the use of this site or sites linked to it. We offer you the opportunity, on the site, send emails pass through the servers of the host. We can not be held responsible for the messages we are not the authors and on which we have no control. Hyperlinks: The establishment of a hyperlink to the site requires prior authorization. Disclosures are regularly checked. To report an error or request correction of information, contact the publication. |
Last Updated on Saturday, 17 October 2009 16:32 |